
Baby Shower for Baby Miles

This was hands down the best baby shower I have ever been to. It was a great bunch of girls and people seriously couldn't believe that it wasn't professionally put together. My mom and sister threw it for me and it was AMAZING. We had it on a restaurant patio which was semi covered because in January rain was definitely a possibility. Looking back on this all seems so surreal to me now because it's really hard for me to remember life before Miles was here. But here I am all preggo and baby free.

The welcome table was so adorable. They had an address labeling station set up for the thank you envelopes, some personalized m&m's, the clips for the game "Don't say baby"and a really cute ultrasound frame.

There was another table next to that one with advice cards for people to fill out. I still have them a year later! And later on in the party people filled out "Wishes for baby" and those are tear jerkers.

The whole place was transformed into babyville.

Then there was the refreshment table....

Seriously those water bottles....

The cupcakes had little pacifiers in them!

There were the "about to pop" bags with popcorn in them of course.

There were a number of games set up. This was meant to be a two hour event that if i remember correctly went for three and a half hours! There was baby memory and name that baby food.

We had "Guess how many kisses for Miles" which was really cute because there were 143 kisses in the jar. 143 can be translated to "I love you". CUTE! And my girlfriend guessed that exact number!!

We did "Mr. and Mrs. Left" which is a game where it tells a fictional birth story using the words left and right a bunch. Well you have a present passed around the circle and you pass it whenever you hear left or right. It is really funny and then the present is also the prize.

We played "My Water Broke". There were frozen (mini) babies and you had to try to melt the ice as fast as you can. Once you melted all of the ice and got to the baby you yell MY WATER BROKE. We even had little brown babies :)

Even the prize bags were decked out...

I know about most of the things planned for the baby shower, but I was caught off guard when I had to sit in the hot seat and be answer questions my husband had already answered and try to guess his answer. I think I got half of them right. Probably because I was answering the questions CORRECTLY haha.

SO at the end of the baby shower I wanted to surprise my sister by asking her to be Miles' godmother because come on....I have one sister who happens to be a big sister so OF COURSE she is going to be my children's godmother. I went and picked out a godmother charm from Brighton (we are big on brighton bracelets). I gave some jumbled emotional speech that only someone about to have a baby would put together and then crying (and my sister looking at me like WTH is she talking about) I gave her the gift. She still at this point just thought this was a thank you for throwing my baby shower gift. But when she opened it she started crying too! Seriously, everyone was crying.

And she joyously accepted to be Miles' Godmother!

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