
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Community Carnival

I am that mom that signs my kid up for EVERYTHING. And luckily we live in a community with an amazing parks and rec. So this weekend they had a carnival! How cute is that. Not sure what to really expect I made sure some of my mommy friends from class were going and I signed us up. We got there and it was instantly incredible. There were a lot of people there, games everywhere, music bumping.....Miles was dancing the minute we walked into the place.

It was perfect for children of all ages and the staff was really good about letting Miles participate in all the games. There was a ball toss and of course my talented child threw the ball into the middle hole every time. woohoo! Win us tickets baby.

This was another favorite of his...more throwing things....
which won us more tickets. He loved carrying them around and he even picked out his prize once we cashed them in.....he picked out a ball. OF COURSE!
Everyone had a really good time! One of my favorite parts was when we saw the face painting booth and I asked if Miles could get a mustache. The woman was really nice and said of course. Miles sat very still as she drew it on and when she was done my husband steps up and (in his man voice) says,"I'll have what my son is having." Now that's what I call a dad! And that's how i ended up with two snazzy-faced boys at the carnival :)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Out From Under the Rock

WOW I haven't blogged in forever I realize. Oh how I missed it! Here's a quick recap of the past year...

I ended up gaining 22 pounds by the time I gave birth:

And before I knew it my water broke and I was meeting my little one three days after my due date:

After the most fun (and sleep deprived) year of my life, my baby is now a toddler!!!:

He amazes me everyday with how quickly he learns.  He gets into EVERYTHING. Who knew someone so tiny could keep two grown adults busier than ever! I thought for sure that I would cry on his birthday, but I ended up being way too occupied with the excitement of it all. Untiiiillll after his birthday party when we came home, baby sleeping, gifts out of our ears, and a bunch of one year old party decorations did it hit me that all of this was for him and we wouldn't be celebrating this day had we not gotten a simple idea to expand our family nearly two years prior. We have made so many new friendships through this little guy as well as had our friends and family there to support us in a whole new way. It's all quite touching. And ends up with me all teary and emotional while my hubby naps :) Men and their simple feelings.

For Miles' actual birthday we took him to the Science Center on USC campus and this was one wide eyed child! This was also my hubby's first time here as well so I had two wide eyed individuals asking me where to go next. Love my boys.