
Friday, August 24, 2012

12 Weeks

This Week

We went and saw our little bean (Jumping bean should I say) and it was amazing! Baby was so active the whole time and was being such a show off for all our friends and family that could make it! Baby has grown so much in the past five weeks and in two weeks we will get to find out the gender. So soon!!

Baby G

  • weight gain: .5 lb this week, making a total of 2.5 lbs so far
  • best moment of the week: getting to see baby doing well and being able to share it with friends and family
  • any movement: baby's jumping all around, but isn't heavy enough for me to feel yet
  • cravings: my moms enchiladas!
  • gender: two more weeks to find out! (Don't forget to share what you think in the poll!)
  • belly button in or out: it's a lot flatter already
  • happy or moody mostly: happy, happy
  • looking forward to: getting to watch the ultrasound again all week!!

My Growing Belly

I have really just blossomed this past week.  My belly just grows by the minute it seems!! Luckily this week my uterus is much higher now so I am able to button my bottoms again, but probably not for much longer! I haven't seemed to gain weight anywhere else yet, but in my ever expanding tummy. I have a top of the line belly lotion and oil combo that my wonderful hubby gifted to me at the beginning of my pregnancy to help make my itchy, itchy belly as comfortable as possible. Hopefully it will ward off stretch marks too!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It's Baby Time!!

and our little pumpkin seed...
...is getting bigger by the day.

After watching two pink lines show up, we did some simple math aaanndddd...
...we're right on the border of having a March or a February baby!

As with all of my many great pinterest finds, I came across the pregnancy chalkboard tracker. Genius! Already having a whiteboard on hand, I decided to put my own touch on the whole idea. (Even though my hound-like nose absolutely rejects the smell of dry-erase markers) Then I decided, why not start a preggo blog to make updating friends, family and my lovely belly buddies easier! Pinterest is so inspiring :)