
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

My First Etsy Item Giveaway!

First let me start off with some Miles cuteness...

He is a boy through and through so cars excite him...

He loves corndogs

and he will sit still for more than 15 seconds (no longer than 30) if he is inside of a bubble

Okay on to the SUPER exciting stuff!!
 A few weeks back I sent a fun little sign from my shop to a newlywed blogger I follow (Love newlyweds, love bloggers....she's awesome) for a product review and now we are having a giveaway!

You can find the whole giveaway post on her blog here and don't forget to look through the rest of her blog too (You can thank me later!).

I also have the direct giveaway entry on the far right hand side of my blog...you really can't miss it.
How exciting!!! Thank you all for joining me on this fun and eventful ride of starting a small business!
AND a special thanks to Hope for hosting my first giveaway :)

OH and did I mention there is also a coupon code to use at my shop through the month of August in her post too?? Check it out!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

What a Sunday!

We just had such a fun weekend holiday weekend!

My dad, my brother and hubby went to Dodger Stadium for a behind the scenes Dodger tour....which is all they have been talking about like I wasn't jealous in the first place....

We watched the fireworks of course down at the harbor and Miles was utterly entranced. Seriously...he didn't miss a single firework.

Then we had a lazy family Saturday at home. Preparing for the hubby to be gone on his business trip for TEN days :(

My parents came with us to drop hubby at the airport and then do some fun activities with Miles. My mom found some really amazing things Miles totally loved!

First we went to the Santa Monica airport and got on a plane! Miles was super excited.

Then we hopped on over to Griffith Park to look at some trains. We got to ride one and then we got to climb on some!! I would recommend this to anyone with a climber. Miles fulfilled his climbing quota today for sure. Maybe that means he won't need to attempt to climb out of his crib tomorrow morning!

On the complete other side of Griffith Park they have yet another train station and pony rides. We grabbed a bite to eat and a yummy smoothie to combat the heat before getting on the next train ride. This one was cute because we got to go over a bridge, through a tunnel and see a little mock town.

Miles was soooo happy with our busy little day. Grandaddy even got him a little souvenir train to take home. Lucky boy!

He took a short nap on the ride home, but woke up in time for some bbq my dad made. Yuuuumy. It was a great day! Now we are counting down the days for daddy to get back!!

Happy weekend everyone!